Moringa Powder Organic Soap, Healthy Solution In The Modern Era

Moringa Powder Organic Soap, Healthy Solution In The Modern Era – Making soap itself is very fun and safer and hygienic because we can find out the ingredients contained therein. For soap mixture ingredients to have more benefits, we can add ingredients such as tea powder, coffee, roses, turmeric, and others. But we can also add it with an ingredient that is no less useful, namely moringa powder organic. Moringa powder organic is also able to brighten the skin naturally, as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and helps prevent premature aging of the skin.

Moringa Powder Organic Soap

What Tools And Materials Are Used To Make Moringa Powder Organic Soap?

As for the ingredients needed to make a is very easily obtained, the materials needed include Palm Oil (100 gr), Natural Coconut Oil (100 gr), Olive Oil (100 gr), Soda Fire (43 gr ), Distilled Water (114 gr), moringa powder organic 1 teaspoon, Ice cube to taste. While the tools used include: Plastic gloves, masks, containers of 100% stainless steel (non-aluminum), soap molds (in the form of cardboard coated with rice paper/baking paper), hand blenders or egg beaters, spatulas, stainless spoons Steel, Digital Scales, Vinegar (used to wash the skin when exposed to splashes).

Moringa Powder Organic Soap

How To Make Moringa Powder Organic Soap?

The procedures for making moringa powder organic soap are:

  1. Put distilled water into a stainless steel container
  2. Mix the three types of oil (palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil) into a Stainless Steel container that is different from the distilled water container.
  3. Place the stainless steel container containing distilled water into the container containing ice cubes. Add the fire soda little by a little while stirring slowly until it dissolves and then adds the next sparkling soda. When mixing distilled water with fire soda takes place, the container we use will feel warm even though we mix it on ice cubes. The color of distilled water that is clear will turn to turbid, keep stirring until the fire soda dissolves, and the color of clear water returns. after clear water, hold the bottom of the water container if it still feels hot, keep stirring it in a container filled with ice cubes, and don’t remove it first. After the container of the mixture of distilled water and soda fire feels warm we can lift it to stand at room temperature so it is not too cold because of the influence of ice cubes. When pouring caustic soda, it is recommended to do so in an open space. And never touch this solution directly by hand. Use a stainless steel spoon.

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  4. After the container of the solution of the mixture of distilled water with caustic soda does not feel warm or is already room temperature, then we can then pour the solution into the oil mixture and stir using a stainless steel spoon.
  5. After it is blended, stir again using a hand blender to make it faster in the thickening process. Using an egg beater can also, but will take a long time.
  6. After the soap mixture changes color and texture like sweetened condensed milk, it indicates that the dough has finished and is ready to print.
  7. Mix the moringa powder organic into the soap mixture, stirring evenly using a stainless steel spoon.
  8. Pour the mixture into the prepared mold.
  9. Give a sprinkling of chia seeds on the surface of the dough which later functions as a scrub.
  10. Wait until the mixture has set and the moringa powder organic soap is ready for use

Moringa Powder Organic Soap

Very easy to make this moringa powder organic soap? This soap is very suitable for use by all people in any region, both Asia, Australia, and America. Due to the antibacterial properties of moringa powder soap is also able to cleanse the body when it is recommended that you always wash your hands in the face of the Covid-19 virus (Coronavirus).

For your inquiry about moringa oil/moringa powder :
Contact us :
Morifa Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +6221-2903 4428
Fax: +6221-2903 4429
Sales Mobile/Whatsapp: +62813 8063 7778

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