Optimize your healthy skin with Moringa Face Mask Powder

Moringa plants are being excellent. That’s because of the properties contained in Moringa leaves, which are beneficial for health and beauty.

Moringa is a food plant and medicinal plant. That means, the Moringa plant can be consumed as a vegetable and used as an herbal plant at the same time. The part that is consumed is the leaves.

As a medicinal plant, Moringa leaves contain a number of nutrients that the body needs. Moringa leaves contain antioxidants that are useful for protecting the body from various negative effects.

Moringa leaves also contain iron, protein, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Thanks to this content, Moringa leaves not only have benefits for the health of the body, such as maintaining kidney health, heart health, overcoming diabetes, lowering blood pressure and relieving menstrual pain.

In addition to antioxidants, Moringa leaves also contain antibiotics that will remove dead skin cells so that they can be used for facial beauty.

So, what are the benefits of Moringa leaves for the face? The following is the explanation, as adapted from Merdeka, Friday (11/9/2020).

Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Face

  1. As an antioxidant

The first benefit of Moringa leaves for the face is its antioxidant content. The antioxidants present in Moringa leaves will help to keep the skin from becoming dull and free from bacteria.

Especially if you are a person who travels a lot and is exposed to vehicle fumes, dust, and other fumes. That way, the skin will be protected from acne and even skin cancer.

To get the benefits, you can process Moringa leaves into cream. The trick, take fresh Moringa leaves, then puree and make cream. You can also add it with honey.

Use this cream as a mask and leave it on for 15-30 minutes. When finished, rinse with warm water. To get optimal results, use this mask every day before going to bed.

  1. Overcoming acne

Moringa leaves are useful for treating acne. The benefits of overcoming this acne seem to be unquestionable. The vitamins and proteases present in Moringa leaves are proven to treat acne.

To get the benefits, it is enough to grind the fresh Moringa leaves until they are really smooth. Add honey or dragon fruit and use as a face mask. Leave it for up to 30 minutes.

Use this mask for 2 days once in 30 days, it will get acne-free facial skin.

  1. Overcoming oily skin

Moringa leaves can overcome oily skin. Oily skin can be overcome with the intake of vitamins A, E, and C. All types of vitamins are available in Moringa leaves.

You can use it as a face mask to feel the benefits. You can also add avocado to increase the vitamin E content in the mask.

  1. Prevent wrinkles and premature aging

The benefits of Moringa Leaves for the next face are to prevent wrinkles and premature aging. Wrinkles on the face will definitely appear with age.

However, there are also some people who have experienced wrinkles more quickly. This is caused by pollution, unhealthy food, smoking, irritability, and others.

For those who want to get rid of wrinkles on the face, try consuming Moringa leaf vegetables or you can also try consuming Moringa leaf capsules. It aims to increase levels of dopamine and serotonin. If you use it for 40 days, Moringa leaves are also useful for preventing premature aging.


  1. Removes dead skin cells

Moringa leaves have benefits for removing dead skin cells. The combination of Moringa leaf vitamins has been shown to be able to remove dead skin cells and maintain skin nutrition.

The method is quite easy. You only need to use Moringa leaves on the surface of the skin you want to remove dead skin from. For use on the face, make Moringa leaves as a face mask.

  1. Shrink skin pores

Large pores will usually appear due to sun exposure or due to acne scars. To overcome this, you can use Moringa leaves.

The method is very easy, namely by using Moringa leaves as a mask. If you can use it regularly, the results obtained will be extraordinary.

  1. Remove black spots

Have a problem with dark spots on the face? You can remove it with Moringa leaves. A person with acne-prone skin will usually experience this condition.

Although it looks disturbing appearance, it can still be overcome with Moringa leaves.

Use Moringa leaves as a mask. For the level of use, you can use as much as you can put on your face.

You can add honey or ginger to get maximum results and it’s easier to stick to the face.

  1. Overcoming panda eyes

The benefits of Moringa leaves for the next face is that it can overcome panda eyes. Panda eyes or dark circles under the eyes can be caused by staying up too often, fatigue, or because of menstruation.

Facial conditions like this will certainly interfere with appearance. Moreover, panda eyes are also difficult to remove.

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