How To Treat Ulcer With Moringa Tea?

Moringa Oleifera is a native Asian plant that grows in other tropical countries. The plant is oval-shaped and small in size neatly arranged on a stalk rich in vitamins and minerals. Moringa leaves also contain other important ingredients such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, protein, and low in calories. All these nutrients are a basic necessity for body health. Moringa leaves can be processed into herbs, herbal Moringa tea, and supplements.

Moringa Tea Can Treat Your Ulcer Disease

Moringa leaves are also high in content reaching 31% of the RDA. So, it is very suitable for consumption by pregnant and lactating women to avoid anemia. Not only that, Moringa leaves are also able to overcome ulcer disease due to high stomach acid.

Some of the causes of ulcer disease are:

  1. Lie down immediately after eating

If you go to bed immediately or lie down after eating, this can trigger food and stomach acid to rise up into the esophagus. As a result, you may experience nausea, stomach pain, or chest and stomach pain. Give a pause of about 2-3 hours after eating if you want to sleep.

  1. Large meal portions

Eating too large a portion can increase stomach acid production. When you eat a lot, the stomach also takes on excess pressure because it stretches quickly. This then becomes the cause of ulcers.

  1. Excessive alcohol intake

The habit of drinking alcohol to excess can cause irritation and erosion of the stomach lining. As a result, the stomach becomes more susceptible to damage due to constant exposure to stomach acid.

  1. Smoking

Smoking habits can relax the strength of the lower esophageal sphincter muscles. This muscle functions to prevent stomach contents from rising into the esophagus. If the sphincter muscle is weakened, stomach acid can flow up and cause heartburn.

In addition, smoking slows down the emptying time of the stomach and reduces the production of saliva, which is a natural stomach acid neutralizer. Acidic fluid eventually accumulates in the stomach, causing stomach ulcers.

Simple Moringa Leaf Powder Recipes You Should Try

How to Make Moringa Leaves to Treat Ulcer

Most people who are experiencing heartburn often use relieving drugs to treat their ulcers. But actually, from drugs that contain chemicals are at risk of making your ulcer come back and there are side effects. Therefore, it would be better, use traditional, safer ways to treat your ulcer.

As we have seen before, using traditional methods with natural ingredients is more effective in overcoming disease. Well, to overcome your current ulcer, it would be better to use Moringa leaves as a medicinal ingredient.

For how to use Moringa leaves itself, it can be done as below:

  • Prepare dark green moringa leaves that have been dried first
  • Do not let the Moringa leaves dry with diopene or direct sunlight
  • When ready, mash the moringa leaves until completely smooth
  • If it is completely smooth, store the mash in a tightly closed dry container
  • Then brew the moringa leaf collision regularly every day

Those are the steps on how to make natural ingredients from Moringa leaves to treat stomach ulcers. But just like any other consumption, if you only drink Moringa tea, healing won’t be that fast. You also need to balance it with nutritious foods regularly, a healthy lifestyle, and exercise regularly. Don’t forget to consult with a doctor too if your ulcer is prolonged or if it gets worse.

For your inquiry about moringa oil/moringa powder :
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Read more :

Here Are The Various Benefits Of Pure Moringa Oil

Variety Of Delicious Ways To Process Moringa Oleifera Powder

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